1950s AND 1960s TREES
The trees in these photos have been identified as Coseley Council's surviving replacements, dating from the 1950s and 1960s, before the council's abolition in 1966.
The first two trees on the west side of the Birmingham New Road at Parkfields are Coseley Council's replacements
The next oldest replacement trees are at Lanesfield, close to the old Crabtree factory site. The houses behind are in a street called Crabtree Close to commemorate the factory
The next three replacement trees form before the 1966 takeover are also close by and on the other side of the road
The next tree is located by Shaw Road, very close to the modern Wolverhampton-Dudley border
All the following trees are more recent plantings from Dudley Council until the stretch of the road close to Woodsetton and the old Bean Foundries site
The following trees are all replacements from before 1966 that are together with no later Dudley Council plantings. They are located a short distance south of the tree in the last photo. These are the final trees out of all the replacement plantings by Coseley Council and it is fitting that trees from the era of Coseley Council still exist close to either end of the Avenue of Remembrance
There was one more replacement tree that was located just south of the trees in the last images and close to the Sedgley Road junction. Until 2014 it was the last tree of all on the Coseley stretch of the Birmingham New Road before the new plantings close to the Coseley boundary, but sadly I have just discovered the tree has now been cut down (September 2020).